Faculty of Science and Technology, Seikei University
著書 |
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E. Klein、青柳里果訳、酒井清孝監訳「バイオミメティックスハンドブック 第4節 アフィニティ膜」、pp 325-331、2000年9月、エヌ・ティー・エス |
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青柳里果、工藤正博「表面科学の基礎と応用 第2編第4章第4節3. 二次イオン質量分析法など(SIMS、他)」、pp 781-787、2004年5月、エヌ・ティー・エス |
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S. Aoyagi and M. Kudo, "Protein monitoring on biomaterial surfaces" ("Encyclopedia of Sensors" Edited by C. A. Grimes), 2005 October, American Scientific Publishers, CA, USA |
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S. Aoyagi and M. Kudo, "Evaluation of Proteins on Bio-Devices" ("Proteins at Solid-liquid Interfaces" Edited by Philippe Dejardin) 2006 August, Springer Verlag, Berlin |
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青柳里果、「わかりやすい透析工学 VIII(7)タンパク質の分子構造評価」 (酒井清孝、峰嶋三千男編) 2012年5月, 南江堂 |
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S. Aoyagi, "TOF-SIMS applications to bioimaging and biomolecule evaluation methods" ("MS Handbook" Edited by Lee) 2012, Wiley |
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工藤正博、青柳里果、「現代質量分析学」、第30章 表面分析、pp427-439、2013年1月、化学同人 |
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青柳里果、工藤正博、「表面科学の基礎」、IIIイオンによる表面分析法、pp 145-161、2013年6月、共立出版 |
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「図説 表面ハンドブック 日本表面真空学会編」
論文 |
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S. Aoyagi, Y. Yoshimi, K. Sakai, J. Aketagawa and S. Tanaka, "Development of a new endotoxin sensor with intermittent injection of limulus reagent for continuous monitoring of dialysate fluid", ASAIO Journal, 41 (3), M601-604 (1995) |
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S. Aoyagi, Y. Suzuki , T. Miyasaka, K. Sakai and Y. Yoshimi, "Transient measurement with an enzyme-immobilized electrode undergoing protein adsorption", Electrochemistry, 69 (4), 251-253 (2001) |
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S. Aoyagi, T. Iwata, T. Miyasaka, and K. Sakai, "Determination of Human Serum Albumin by Chemiluminecsence Immunoassay with Luminol Using Platinum-immobilized Flow-Cell", Analytica Chimica Acta, 436 (1), 103-108 (2001) |
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S. Aoyagi, M. Yamazaki, T. Miyasaka and K. Sakai, "Clarification of enhanced hydroxyl radical production in Fenton reaction with ATP/ADP based on luminol chemiluminescence", Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 34 (7), 956-959 (2001) |
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S. Aoyagi, T. Miyasaka, Y. Yoshimi and K. Sakai, "A new reagentless immunosensor for measuring IgG concentration in human plasma based on fluorescence-enhancement immunoassay", Journal of Artificial Organs, 5 (1), 60-63, (2002) |
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K. Endo, T. Miyasaka,S. Mochizuki, S. Aoyagi, N. Himi, H. Asahara, K. Tsujioka and K. Sakai, "Development of a superoxide sensor by immobilization of superoxide dismutase", Sensors and Actuators B, 83, 30-34 (2002) |
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Y. Kawashima, Z. Liu, K. Terashima, K. Hamada, K. Fukutani, M. Wilde, S. Aoyagi and M. Kudo, "SIMS characterization of H transport through SiO2 by low-temperature hydrogen annealing", Applied Surface Science, 212-213, 804-808 (2003) |
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S. Aoyagi, R. Imai, K. Sakai and M. Kudo, "Reagentless and regenerable immunosensor for monitoring of immunoglobulin G based on non-separation immunoassay" Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 18, 791-795 (2003) |
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川島 義也、小山 晋、安藤 公一、井手 隆、青柳 里果、工藤 正博、「最適入射角度の低速酸素イオンを用いたSIMSによるボロンのゲート酸化膜突き抜け現象の解析」、表面科学、24(7)、406-410 (2003) |
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青柳里果・大岩佑子・工藤正博・戸津美矢子・星孝弘、「TOF-SIMSによるバイオセンサ基板上のタンパク質分布の評価」、表面科学、24(8)、485-490 (2003) |
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S. Aoyagi, M. Hayama. U. Hasegawa, K. Sakai, M. Tozu, T. Hoshi and M. Kudo, "TOF-SIMS Imaging of Protein Adsorption on Dialysis Membrane by means of Information Entropy", e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, 1, 67-71 (2003) |
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S. Aoyagi, M. Hayama, U. Hasegawa, K. Sakai, M. Tozu, T. Hoshi and M. Kudo, "Estimation of protein adsorption on dialysis membrane by means of TOF-SIMS", Journal of Membrane Science, 236(1-2), 91-99, 2004 |
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S. Aoyagi, M. Hayama, U. Hasegawa, K. Sakai, T. Hoshi and M. Kudo, "TOF-SIMS study of protein adsorption on dialysis membrane", Applied Surface Science, 231-232, 411-415 (2004) |
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S. Aoyagi, Y. Oiwa and M. Kudo, "Estimation of protein immobilization on biosensor by TOF-SIMS", Applied Surface Science, 231-232, 432-436 (2004) |
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S. Aoyagi, S. Hiromoto, T. Hanawa and M. Kudo, "TOF-SIMS investigation of metallic material surface after culturing cells", Applied Surface Science, 231-232, 470-474 (2004) |
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Y. Kawashima, K. Terashima, S. Aoyagi and M. Kudo, "Hydrogen redistribution in CVD SiO2 during post-oxidation annealing investigated by high-precision hydrogen measurement of SIMS", Applied Surface Science, 231-232, 758-761 (2004) |
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Y. Kawashima, T. Ide, S. Aoyagi and M. Kudo, "Deconvolution analysis of depont depth profile of Si at AlGaAs/GaAs interface using Al composition profile as reference", Applied Surface Science, 231-232, 800-803 (2004) |
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青柳里果、工藤正博、「ガラス基板上タンパク質分布のTOF-SIMSイメージング」、表面科学、25(7), 387-391 (2004) |
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S. Aoyagi and M. Kudo, "Effective monitoring of protein reaction on glass plate surfaces by TOF-SIMS", Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 20(8), 1626-1630 (2005) |
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S. Aoyagi and M. Kudo, "Development of fluorescence change-based, reagent-less optic immunosensor", Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 20(8), 1680-1684 (2005) |
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Y. Kawashima, S. Aoyagi and M. Kudo, “Thermal redistribution of hydrogen and boron in the SiO2 in SiN-Capped p-type MOS-FET Structures”, Applied Surface Science, 244, 43-46 (2005) |
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S. Aoyagi, Y. Kawashima and M. Kudo, " TOF-SIMS Imaging Technique with Information Entropy", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 232, 146-152 (2005) |
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S. Aoyagi and M. Kudo, "Observation of fluorescence labeled protein A on biosensor surface by means of TOF-SIMS", Sensors & Actuators B: : Chemical, 108, 708-712 (2005) |
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S. Aoyagi and M. Kudo, " Evaluation of proteins immobilized on glass substrates of biosensor with TOF-SIMS", Journal of Surface Analysis, 12(3), 204-207 (2005) |
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S. Aoyagi, A. Takesawa, A. C. Yamashita, M. Kudo, " Mutual Information Theory for Biomedical Applications", Applied Surface Science 252, 6697-6701 (2006) |
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K. Aimoto, S. Aoyagi, N. Kato, N. Iida, A. Yamamoto and M. Kudo, " Evaluation of secondary ion yield enhancement from polymer material by using TOF-SIMS equipped with a gold cluster ion source", Applied Surface Science 252, 6547-6549 (2006) |
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S. Aoyagi, M. Dohi, N. Kato, M. Kudo, S. Iida, M. Tozu and N. Sanada, " Structure analysis of immobilized-bovine serum albumin by means of TOF-SIMS", e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, 4, 614-618 (2006) |
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工藤正博、相本健一、加藤信彦、青柳里果、飯田典子、山本公、「Auクラスター一次イオン源を用いたTOF-SIMS測定における二次イオン強度増大効果」、表面科学、27(9), 518-522 (2006) |
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T. Ogawa, H. Shimazaki, S. Aoyagi, K. Sakai, " Novel modeling of electric potential oscillation across a water/octanol/water liquid membrane", Journal of Membrane Science, 285, 120-125 (2006) |
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S. Aoyagi, A. Yano, Y. Yanagida, E. Tanihira, A.Tagawa, M. Iimoto, " Control of chemical reation involving dissolved oxygen using magnetic field gradient", Chemical Physics, 331, 137-141 (2006) |
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T. Ogawa, H. Shimazaki, S. Aoyagi, K. Sakai, " Electrical oscillation at a water/octanol interface in a hydrophobic container", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 305, 195-197 (2007) |
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S. Aoyagi, K. Okada, A. Shigyo, N. Man, A. Karen, "Evaluation of oriented lysozyme immobilized with monoclonal antibody", Applied Surface Science, 255,1096-1099 (2008) |
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M. Kudo, K. Aimoto, Y. Sunagawa, N. Kato, S. Aoyagi, S. Iida, N. Sanada, "Comparison of Secondary Ion Intensity Enhancement from Polymers on Silicon and Silver Substrates by using Au-TOF-SIMS", Applied Surface Science, 255,1015-1017 (2008) |
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K. Okada, S. Aoyagi, M. Dohi, N. Kato, M. Kudo, M. Tozu, T. Miyayama, N. Sanada, " Evaluation of immobilized-lysozyme by means of TOF-SIMS", Applied Surface Science, 255,1104-1106 (2008) |
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S. Aoyagi, A. Rouleau and W. Boireau, "TOF-SIMS structural characterization of self-assembly monolayer of cytochrome b5 onto gold substrate", Applied Surface Science , 255,1071-1074 (2008) |
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A. Yano and S. Aoyagi, "TOF-SIMS analysis of magnetic materials in chum salmon head", Applied Surface Science, 255,1100-1103 (2008) |
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T. Ikeda, Y. Hata, K. Ninomiya, Y. Ikura, K. Takeguchi, S. Aoyagi, R. Hirota, and A. Kuroda, "Oriented immobilization of antibodies on a silicon wafer using Si-tagged protein A", Analytical Biochemistry, 385, 132-137 (2009) |
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H. M. Njoloma, I. Kita, Y. Kitamura, S. Aoyagi, "Situational Analysis of successes, challenges and failures of irrigation farming in Malawi", Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems, 14(2), 35-44 (2009) |
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S. Aoyagi, Masahiro Higuchi, Nobuhiko Kato, and Masahiro Kudo, "Evaluation of pH-Dependent Staphylococcal Protein A Structural Change Using TOF-SIMS", e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, 7, 715-720 (2009) |
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S. Aoyagi, M Inoue, "An orientation analysis method for protein immobilized on quantum dot particles", Applied Surface Science, 256, 995-997 (2009) |
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青柳里果、加藤信彦、工藤正博、「クラスターイオンC60+搭載飛行時間型二次イオン質量分析法を利用した固定化リゾチウムの最表面構造評価」、医工学治療、22(1)、20-26 (2010) |
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Satoka Aoyagi, Koki Namekawa, Kenichiro Yamamoto, Kiyotaka Sakai, Nobuhiko Kato, Masahiro Kudo, Investigation of Molecular Surfaces with Time-of-flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Surface and interface Analysis, 42, 1593-1597 (2010) |
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Satoka Aoyagi, Masae Inoue and TakuyaMitsuok, The effect of thin oxide film on protein sample measurement with TOF-SIMS, Surface and interface Analysis, 43, 272-276 (2011) |
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Satoka Aoyagi, Kousuke Moritani, and Kozo Mochiji, Evaluation of immobilized polypeptides with different C-terminal residues using argon gas-cluster SIMS, Surface and Interface Analysis, 43, 344-349 (2011) |
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Satoka Aoyagi, Takashi Matsuzaki, Nobuhiko Kato, and Masahiro Kudo, "Chemical imaging of biomolecules in skin using TOF-SIMS and multivariate analysis", Journal of Surface Analysis, 17(3), 346-349 (2011) |
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Satoka Aoyagi, Masayuki Okamoto, Nobuhiko Kato, and Masahiro Kudo, "Analyzing TOF-SIMS spectra of biopolymer using multivariate curve resolution", Journal of Surface Analysis, 17(3), 220-223 (2011) |
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青柳里果、三原一郎、工藤正博「G-SIMSによる高分子試料解析の基礎的検討」表面科学, 32(6), 337-342 (2011) |
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Masayuki Okamoto, Kazutaka Ishikawa and Noriyuki Tanji, Satoka Aoyagi, "Investigation of the damage on the outermost hair surface using TOF-SIMS and XPS", Surface and Interface Analysis, 44(6), 736-739 (2012) |
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Satoka Aoyagi, Takashi Matsuzaki, Masumi Takahashi, Yuuki Sakurai, Masahiro Kudo, "Evaluation of reagent effect on skin using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) and multivariate curve resolution (MCR)", Surface and Interface Analysis, 44(6), 772-775 (2012) |
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Satoka Aoyagi, Ichiro Mihara, Masahiro Kudo, "Mixed polymer sample evaluation using gentle secondary ion mass spectrometry and multivariate curve resolution", Surface and Interface Analysis, 44(6), 789-792 (2012) |
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Masayuki Okamoto, Kazutaka Ishikawa and Noriyuki Tanji, Satoka Aoyagi, Ichiro Kita, Taiko Migita, "Structural Analysis of the Outermost Hair Surface Using TOF-SIMS with C60 Depth Profiling Technique", e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, 10, 234-238 (2012) |
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Satoka Aoyagi, Ian S. Gilmore, Ichiro Mihara, Martin P. Seah, Ian W. Fletcher, "Identification and separation of protein, contaminant and substrate peaks using G-SIMS and the g-ogram", Rapid Comminications in Mass Spectrometry 26(23), 2815-2821 (2012) |
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Satoka Aoyagi, Ichiro Mihara, Masahiro Kudo , "Structure investigation of peptides using G-SIMS", Surface and Interface Analysis, 45(1), 190-193 (2013) |
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Satoka Aoyagi, Katsushi Kuroda, Ruka Takama, Kazuhiko Fukushima, Isao Kayano, Seiichi Mochizuki, and Akira Yano, "Evaluation of white radish sprouts growth influenced by magnetic fields using TOF-SIMS and MCR", Surface and interface Analysis, 45(1), 264-267 (2013) |
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Ichiro Mihara, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Kudo , Satoka Aoyagi, "Evaluation of layered titanate nanosheets using TOF-SIMS and G-SIMS analysis", Surface and Interface Analysis, 45(1), 453-456 (2013) |
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梶原靖子、青柳里果「外部汚染成分などが共存するPEG・PMA混合試料のToF-SIMSデータに対する多変量解析の適用」Journal of Surface Analysis, 20(1) 2-7 (2013) |
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Satoka Aoyagi, John S. Fletcher, Sadia Sheraz (Rabbani), Tomoko Kawashima, Irma Berrueta Razo, Alex Henderson, Nicholas P. Lockyer and John C. Vickerman, "Peptide structural analysis using continuous Ar cluster and C60 ion beams", Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 405(21):6621-8 (2013) |
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Tomoko Kawashima, Takako Kurosawa, Satoka Aoyagi,
Sadia Sheraz (n?e Rabbani), John S. Fletcher, Masayo Futigami, Nicholas P.
Lockyer and John C. Vickerman "Examination of fragment ions of
polystyrene in TOF-SIMS spectra using MS/MS", Surface and Interface
Analysis 46, 92-95 (2014) |
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Yasuko Kajiwara, Hideo Iwai, Keizo Nakagawa, Noriko
Kodani, and Satoka Aoyagi, "Evaluation of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles
synthesized with phosphate surfactant by means of G-SIMS and g-ogram",
Surface and Interface Analysis 46, 209-212 (2014) |
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Satoka Aoyagi, Noriko Kodani, Akira Yano, Toshiki
Asao, Hideo Iwai and Masahiro Kudo, "ToF-SIMS data analysis for complex
plant tissue samples using multivariate analysis and G-SIMS", Surface
and Interface Analysis 46, 131-135 (2014) |
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Yasuko Kajiwara, Hideo Iwai, Noriko Kodani, Taiko
Migita, Akira Yano and Satoka Aoyagi , "Multivariate analysis and
g-ogram application to ToF-SIMS data of PEG mixed model sample", Surface
and Interface Analysis 46, 1183-1186 (2014) |
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Daisuke Kobayashi, Shinya Otomo, Satoka Aoyagi and Hiroto Itoh, "Mass-scale calibration of TOF-SIMS spectra using quaternary ammonium ions", Surface and Interface Analysis 46, 229-232 (2014). |
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Yuta Yokoyama, Tomoko Kawashima, Mayumi Ohkawa, Hideo Iwai and Satoka Aoyagi, "Extraction of hidden information of ToF-SIMS data using different multivariate analysis", Surface and Interface Analysis, 47(4) 439-446 (2015). (DOI: 10.1002/sia.5731) |
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Satoka Aoyagi, Toshinori Shimanouchi, Tomoko Kawashima, Hideo Iwai "ToF-SIMS observation for evaluating the interaction between amyloid beta and lipid membranes", Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 407(10) 2859-63 (2015). (doi: 10.1007/s00216-015-8527-3. ) |
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Yasuko Kajiwara, Hiromitsu Nagashima, Satoshi Nagai, Satoka Aoyagi, "ToF-SIMS and PCA Analysis of Oligomer Distribution within Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic", e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech., 13, 47-50 (2015). |
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Ichiro Mihara, Keizo Nakagawa, Masahiro Kudo and Satoka Aoyagi, "Evaluation and comparison of layered titanate nanosheets using TOF-SIMS and g-ogram analysis", Surface and Interface Analysis, 47(7), 764-770 (2015). (DOI: 10.1002/sia.5772) |
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Satoka Aoyagi, Tomoko Kawashima, Yuta Yokoyama, "Peptide fragmentation caused by Ar cluster ions depending on primary ion energy",Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 29(18), 1687?1695, (2015). (DOI: 10.1002/rcm.7266) |
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Toshinori Shimanouchi, Tomoya Kamba, Wei Yang, Satoka Aoyagi, Yukitaka Kimura, "Surface properties of woody thin boards composed of commercially available lignin and cellulose: Relationship between the orientation of lignin and water repellency",Appl. Surf. Sci., 347, 406-413 (2015) |
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A.G. Shard, R. Havelund, S.J. Spencer, I.S. Gilmore, M.R. Alexander, T.B. Angerer, S. Aoyagi, J.P. Barnes, A. Benayad, A. Bernasik, G. Ceccone, J.D. Counsell, C. Deeks, J.S. Fletcher, D.J. Graham, C. Heuser, T.G. Lee, C. Marie, M.M. Marzec, G. Mishra, D. Rading, O. Renault, D.J. Scurr, H.K. Shon, V. Spampinato, H. Tian, F. Wang, N. Winograd, K. Wu, A. Wucher, Y. Zhou, Z. Zhu,"Measuring Compositions in Organic Depth Profiling: Results from a VAMAS Interlaboratory Study", J Phys Chem B., 119(33), 10784-97, (2015) (doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b05625.) |
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Shusuke Nakano, Yuta Yokoyama, Satoka Aoyagi*, Naoyuki Himi, John S. Fletcher, Nicholas P. Lockyer, Alex Henderson, and John C. Vickerman, "The evaluation of biomolecular distributions in rat brain tissues by means of TOF-SIMS using a continuous beam of Ar clusters", 11, 02A307, Biointerphases,(2016) doi: 10.1116/1.4939251 |
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Yuta Yokoyama, Satoka Aoyagi, Toshinori Shimanouchi, Miki Iwamura, Hideo Iwai, "ToF-SIMS analysis of amyloid beta aggregation on different lipid membranes", Biointerphases, 11, 02A314 (2016); http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.4940706 |
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Kazutaka lshikawa, Masayuki Okamoto and Satoka Aoyagi “Structural analysis of the outermost hair surface using TOF-SIMS with GCIB sputtering”, Biointerphases 11, 02A315 (2016); http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.4940770 |
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Yuta Yokoyama, Satoka Aoyagi*, Makiko Fujii, Jiro Matsuo, John S. Fletcher, Nicholas P Lockyer, John C Vickerman, Melissa Passarelli, Rasmus Havelund, Martin P Seah, “Peptide fragmentation and surface structural analysis by means of ToF-SIMS using large cluster ion sources” Analytical Chemistry88, 3592-3597 (2016) DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b04133 |
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Satoka Aoyagi*, Miki Iwamura, Toshinori Shimanouchi, Yuta Yokoyama, Hideo Iwai, “The structural evaluation of amyloid beta on lipid membranes”, Surface and Interface Analysis 48(11), 1096-1099 (2016) (DOI 10.1002/sia.60) |
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Tomoko Kawashima, Hiromi Morita, Noriaki Fukumoto, Takako Kurosawa, Satoka Aoyagi, “Examination of ion beam induced damage on polymer surface using Ar clusters”, Surface and Interface Analysis 48(11), 1175-1180 (2016) (DOI: 10.1002/sia.6097) |
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Daisuke Kobayashi, Satoka Aoyagi, Shinya Otomo, Hiroto Itoh, “Mass Scale Calibration of TOF-SIMS Spectra with Molecular Ions of Internal Additives”, Surface and Interface Analysis 48(11), 1185-1189 (2016) (DOI: 10.1002/sia.6118) |
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Kazuma Takahashi, Satoka Aoyagi*, Tomoko Kawashima, “TOF-SIMS matrix effects in mixed organic layers in Ar cluster ion depth profiles”, Surface and Interface Analysis (accepted)72 , 49(8), 721-727 (2017) (DOI: 10.1002/sia.6214) |
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Takayuki Yamagishi, Kenta Honobe, and Satoka Aoyagi*, Mayumi Okawa, Tomoko Kawashima, Multivariate Analysis Applied to Polymer Imaging Data Obtained by Near-Field Infrared Microscopy, e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech. Vol. 15 (2017) 19-24. |
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Satoka Aoyagi*, Kiyoshi Aber, Takayuki Yamagishi, Satoshi Yamaguchi, Takashi Sunohara, gEvaluation of blood adsorption onto dialysis membranes by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and near-field infrared microscopyg, Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, 409(27), 6687-6396 (2017) |
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Shusuke Nakano, Takayuki Yamagishi, and Satoka Aoyagi*, Andr? Porty, Michael D?rr, Hideo Iwai, Tomoko Kawashima,“Evaluation of matrix effects on TOF-SIMS data of leu-enkephalin and 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine mixed samples”, Biointerphases, 13, 03B403 (2018) |
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Andr? Porty, Satoka Aoyagi, Michael D?rr, “Soft depth-profiling of mixed peptide/lipid samples by means of cluster induced desorption/ionization mass spectrometry?High depth resolution and low matrix effect”, Biointerphases 13, 03B405 (2018) (https://doi.org/10.1116/1.5013151) |
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Kazuma Takahashi, Takayuki Yamagishi, Satoka Aoyag*, Dan Aoki, Kazuhiko Fukushima, Yoshishige Kimura, “Principal Component Analysis image fusion of TOF-SIMS and microscopic images and low intensity secondary ion enhancement by pixel reduction”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 36, 03F113 (2018) (doi: 10.1116/1.5013218) |
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Keizo Nakagawa, Yuka Arai, Yosuke Umezaki, Akira Yoshida, Yasuko Kajiwara, Satoka Aoyagi, Hideto Matsuyama, Shigeru Sugiyama, “Template effect of phosphate surfactant on formation of hydroxyapatite nanostructures with various shapes”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 213, 183-190 (2018). |
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石倉 航,高橋 一真,山岸 崇之,青木 弾,福島 和彦,志賀 元紀,青柳 里果*, “多変量解析を利用したTOF-SIMSイメージデータフュージョンとスパースモデリングおよび機械学習によるTOF-SIMSスペクトル解析 ”, Journal of Surface Analysis 25(2) 103-114 (2018). |
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Shigesaburo Ogawa, Ayano Endo, Naoki Kitahara, Takayuki Yamagishi, Satoka Aoyagi, Setsuko Hara, "Factors determining the reaction temperature of the solvent-free enzymatic synthesis of trehalose esters", Carbohydr Res., 482:107739, (2019). DOI:10.1016/j.carres.2019.06.018 |
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Satoka Aoyagi*, Yuuki Kodama, Melissa K. Passarelli, Jean-Luc Vorng, Tomoko Kawashima, Keisuke Yoshikiyo, Tatsuyuki Yamamoto and Ian S. Gilmore*, "OrbiSIMS imaging identifies molecular constituents of the perialgal vacuole membrane of Paramecium bursaria with symbiotic Chlorella variabilis", Analytical Chemistry, 91(22), 14545-14551, (2019). |
87 | Keisuke Mizomichi, Takayuki Yamagishi, Tomoko Kawashima, Michael D?rr, and Satoka Aoyagi*, “Investigating matrix effects of different combinations of lipids and peptides on TOF-SIMS data”, Biointerphases 15, 021008 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1116/6.0000036 |
88 | Tomomi Akiyama, Naoya Miyauchi, Akiko N. Itakura, Takayuki Yamagishi, and Satoka Aoyagi*, "Fusion data analysis of imaging data of hydrogen-permeated steel obtained by complementary methods", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 38, 034007 (2020) |
89 | Masaru Ito, Yukari Kuga, Takayuki Yamagishi, Miya Fujita, and Satoka Aoyagi*, “Evaluation of Secondary Ions Related to Plant Tissue using Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator”, Biointerphases, 15, 021010 (2020). |
90 | Kazuhiro Matsuda and Satoka Aoyagi, “Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis of hair samples using unsupervised artificial neural network”, Biointerphases, 15, 021013 (2020). |
91 | Tomoko Kawashima*, Takahiro Aoki, Yuko Taniike, and Satoka Aoyagi, "Examination of beauty ingredient distribution in the human skin by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry" Biointerphases 15, 031013 (2020). |
92 | Naoya Miyauchi, Tomoya Iwasawa, Yoshiharu Murase, Taro Yakabe, Masahiro Kitajima, Shoji Takagi, Tomomi Akiyama, Satoka Aoyagi, Akiko N. Itakura?, "Visualization of local hydrogen diffusion in stainless steel using time T resolved electron stimulated desorption", Applied Surface Science, 527, 146710 (2020). |
93 | P. Schneider, F. Verloh, A. Portz, S. Aoyagi, M. Rohnke, and M. Du?rr, "Direct Analysis of Ion-Induced Peptide Fragmentation in SecondaryIon Mass Spectrometry", Analytical Chemistry, 92,15604?15610 (2020). |
94 | Akiko N. Itakura, Naoya Miyauchi, Yoshiharu Murase, Taro Yakabe, Masahiro Kitajima & Satoka Aoyagi, Model of local hydrogen permeability in stainless steel with two coexisting structures, Scientific Report 11:8553(2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-87727-5 |
95 | S. Aoyagi*, Y. Fujiwara, A. Takano et al., "Evaluation of Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Specrometry Spectra of Peptides by Random Forest with Amino Acid Labels: Results from a Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards Interlaboratory Study", Analytical Chemistry, 93, 9, 4191-4197 (2021). |
96 | 伊藤克、松田和大、青柳里果*, 「自己符号化器 (autoencoder) を用いた高分子試料のTOF-SIMSデータ解析」, Journal of Surface Analysis, 28(2) 110-126 (2021). |
97 | Kazuhiro Matsuda, Satoka Aoyagi, "Sparse autoencoder-based feature extraction from TOF-SIMS image data of human skin structure", Analytical Bioanalytical and Chemistry, 414, 1177-1186 (2022). |
98 | Alex G. Shard, Ako Miisho, Jean-Luc Vorng, Rasmus Havelund, Ian S. GIlmore, and Satoka Aoyagi, "A two-point calibration method for quantifying organic binary mixtures using SIMS in the presence of matrix effects", Surface and Interface Analysis, 54(4) 363 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1002/sia.7042 |
99 | Satoka Aoyagi, Keisuke Mizomichi, Keisuke Kamochi, Ako Miisho, "Interpretation of TOF-SIMS data based on information entropy of spectra", Surface and Interface Analysis, 54(4), 356 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1002/sia.7047 |
100 | Satoka Aoyagi, Daisuke Hayashi, Atsuko Nagataki, Tatsuo Horiba, Morihiro Saito, "Evaluation of aging suppression of LiBr-coated lithium-air batteries using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and sparse autoencoder", e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, 21(1) 9-16 (2022). |
101 | Satoka Aoyagi, Kazuhiro Matsuda, "Quantitative analysis of ToF-SIMS data of a two organic compound mixture using an autoencoder and simple artificial neural networks", Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 37(4), e9445 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1002/rcm.9445 |
102 | Satoka Aoyagi, Daisuke Hayashi, Yoshiharu Murase, Naoya Miyauchi, Akiko N. Itakura, Classification of EBSD Kikuchi Patterns for Stainless Steel by Unsupervised Learning Methods to Investigate Grain Boundaries, e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, (2023). https://doi.org/10.1380/ejssnt.2023-023 |
103 | 家持 圭佑,井上 元基,小河 重三郎,林 大介,青柳 里果, 「有機物・高分子・ペプチド試料TOF-SIMSスペクトルの機械学習による予測・分類」Journal of Surface Analysis, 30(1), 15-27 (2023). |
104 | Satoka Aoyagi, Application of machine learning to spectrum and image data, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 41, 063202 (2023). | <tr style=’mso−yfti−irow:79;mso−yfti−lastrow:yes’>
105 | Philip Keller, Satoka Aoyagi, Michael Durr, "Cluster-induced desorption/ionization mass spectrometry of Ir(ppy)3", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 41, 054002 (203). |
106 | Satoka Aoyagi*, David J. H. Cant, Michael Durr, Anya Eyres, Sarah Fearn, Ian S. Gilmore, Shin-ichi Iida, Reiko Ikeda, Kazutaka Ishikawa, Matija Lagator, Nicholas Lockyer, Philip Keller, Kazuhiro Matsuda, Yohei Murayama, Masayuki Okamoto, Benjamen P. Reed, Alexander G. Shard, Akio Takano, Gustavo F. Trindade, and Jean-Luc Vorng, Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses of Mass Spectra of OEL Materials by Artificial Neural Network and Interface Evaluation: Results from a VAMAS Interlaboratory Study, Anal. Chem. 2023, 95, 40, 15078-15085. |
107 | N. P. Lockyer, S. Aoyagi, J. S. Fletcher, I. S. Gilmore, Pa. A. W. van der Heide, K. L. Moore, B. J. Tyler & L.-T. Weng, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Nature Reviews Methods Primers 4, Article number: 32 (2024). |
108 | S. Aoyagi, Miya Fujita, Hidemi Itoh, Hiroto Itoh, Takaharu Nagatomi, Masayuki Okamoto, Tomikazu Ueno, Development of Peptide Identification System for ToF-SIMS Spectra Using Supervised Machine Learning, J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 35, 12, 3057?3062 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1021/jasms.4c00310. | <tr style=’mso−yfti−irow:79;mso−yfti−lastrow:yes’>
109 | 増田哲也、藤田美弥、植野富和、林大介、青柳里果「タンデム質量分析計を搭載した飛行時間型二次イオン質量分析法と機械学習による海洋プラスチックの評価」表面と真空67(11), 563-568 (2024). | <tr style=’mso−yfti−irow:79;mso−yfti−lastrow:yes’>
110 | Atsumi Shinozaki, Kazuhiro Matsuda, Satoka Aoyagi, Analysis of time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry data of human skin treated with diclofenac using sparse autoencoder, Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, 417(6):1049-1054 (2025 Mar). DOI: 10.1007/s00216-024-05711-0 | <tr style=’mso−yfti−irow:79;mso−yfti−lastrow:yes’>
111 | Tetsuya Masuda, Miya Fujita, Tomikazu Ueno, Daisuke Hayashi, Satoka Aoyagi*, Novel secondary ion mass spectrometry identification system for organic materials using random forest, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 43(2) Mar/Apr 2025; doi: 10.1116/6.0004260. |
査読なし論文 |
1 |
青柳里果、大岩佑子、工藤正博「タンパク質のin situ測定に適した蛍光免疫センサの開発」Chemical Sensors, 18 (Supp. B), 61-63、2002年9月 |
2 |
S. Aoyagi and M. Kudo “Monitoring of proteins on biosensor surface by means of TOF-SIMS", Chemical Sensors, 20 (Supp. B), 614-615 (2004) |
解説・総説 |
青柳里果・山崎真・酒井清孝:ルミノールの化学発光を利用したATPおよびADP測定、化学と工業、5月号 366-368 (2000) |
青柳里果、酒井清孝:医療用センサ技術-酵素固定化電極センサについて-、分離技術、31 (5), 93-97 (2001) |
小川武人,青柳里果,小堀深,酒井清孝:抗原・抗体モニタリング装置の開発、医工学治療、14 (3) , 169-171 (2002) |
青柳里果:TOF-SIMSによる生体高分子の可視化、材料の科学と工学、Vol. 42(5), pp. 244-249、2005年10月 |
青柳里果: 飛行時間型二次イオン質量分析法の生命科学への応用、真空, 50(4), 252-257 (2007) |
青柳里果: 飛行時間型二次イオン質量分析法を用いたバイオ材料の表面センシング 、Chemical Sensors 23(1) (2007) 16-22 |
青柳里果: バイオデバイスの飛行時間型二次イオン質量分析イメージング 、Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan, 55(1), 33-38 (2007) |
Satoka Aoyagi, "Review of TOF-SIMS bioanalysis using mutual information", Surface and Interface Analysis, 41(2) 136-142, (2009) |
青柳里果: 飛行時間型二次イオン質量分析 (TOF-SIMS) データ解析へのケモメトリクス応用 、真空, 55(4), 1-5 (2012) |
招待講演 |
1 |
第40回 イオン反応研究会 2002年11月19日、新宿 |
2 |
2003年11月、早稲田大学国際会議場 |
3 |
化学工学会第69回年会 2004年4月2日 大阪府立大学 |
4 |
The 15th International
Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-15), 2004 October,
Ise-Shima, Japan |
5 |
アルバック・ファイ株式会社 技術講演会 2005年6月6日 大阪
6 |
SIMS XV, 2005 September, Manchester, UK |
7 |
平成17年度材料科学基礎講座「材料分析・観測技術の勘どころ」 2005年11月18日 青山学院大学総研ビル
8 |
第53回応用物理学関係連合講演会「真空を利用した分析機器?質量分析計」 2006年3月22日 武蔵工業大学世田谷キャンパス
9 |
第54回 質量分析総合討論会「イメージング質量分析シンポジウム」 2006年5月19日 千里ライフサイエンスセンタービル
10 |
日本分光学会中国四国支部講演会 2006年8月2日 島根大学
11 |
日本化学学会中国四国支部島根地区講演会 2006年12月2日 島根大学
12 |
Workshop on Surface Chemical Analysis 2010年4月12-16日 トリニダード&トバゴ |
13 |
第52回真空に関する連合講演会 2011年11月16日 学習院大学
14 |
SIMS-19, 29
September-4 October, 2013, Jeju, Korea |
15 |
2013 Energy
Materials Nanotechnology Open Access Week, October 21-27, 2013, Chengdu,
China |
その他 |
1 |
青柳里果、吉見靖男、酒井清孝「化学工学シンポジウムシリーズ 58:FITC標識プロテイン A の蛍光増強を利用した免疫グロブリン G 定量法」、pp18-21、1997年 |
2 |
青柳里果、工藤正博「日本学術振興会 マイクロビームアナリシス第141委員会 第112回研究会資料No.1319:TOF-SIMSによる金属、ガラス、高分子上のタンパク質測定」、 2003年5月 |
3 |
S. Aoyagi and M. Kudo, "Protein monitoring by means of time-of-flight secondary mass spectrometry", Proceedings of APCChE (2004) |
4 |
青柳里果「生体高分子のケミカルマッピング」、アルバック・ファイ株式会社 技術講演会要旨集、pp. 41-47、2005年6月 |
5 |
工藤正博、加藤信彦、青柳里果「C60スパッタイオン銃システム」、成蹊大学理工学部研究報告、43(2) pp. 35-37、2006年 |
6 |
加藤信彦、工藤正博、青柳里果「TOF-SIMSを用いたバイオセンサ基板上のタンパク質分布評価」、成蹊大学理工学部研究報告、43(2) pp. 103-106、2006年 |
Written by AOYAGI, Satoka